Commercial vehicle insurance

Commercial vehicle insurance, also known as commercial auto insurance, is a type of insurance coverage designed to protect vehicles used for business purposes. It provides coverage for vehicles that are owned, leased, or operated by a business or organization. Commercial vehicles can include a wide range of vehicles used for business activities, such as trucks, vans, cars, buses, trailers, and more.


Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Commercial Vehicle Insurance


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to establish a clear and consistent process for managing commercial vehicle insurance for our organization's fleet. This SOP outlines the steps to be followed from insurance assessment and selection to claims processing, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and optimal coverage for our commercial vehicles.


This SOP applies to all commercial vehicles owned, leased, or operated by our organization.

  • Fleet Manager: Responsible for overall fleet management, insurance assessment, policy selection, and coordination with insurance providers.
  • Insurance Coordinator: Responsible for maintaining insurance records, facilitating claims, and communication with insurance companies.
  • Drivers: Responsible for adhering to safety and reporting guidelines related to accidents and incidents.

  Insurance Assessment and Selection:

  1. Review Fleet Profile: The Fleet Manager reviews the current fleet profile, including vehicle types, usage, mileage, and driver history.
  2. Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks associated with the fleet, considering factors such as vehicle type, driver experience, routes, and external risks.
  3. Policy Evaluation: Evaluate insurance policies offered by various insurance providers based on coverage, premium rates, deductibles, and additional benefits.
  4. Coverage Analysis: Select coverage options that align with the organization's risk tolerance and regulatory requirements. Coverage may include liability, collision, comprehensive, cargo, and others as applicable.
  5. Policy Documentation: Document the selected insurance policy details, including coverage limits, policy term, endorsements, and contact information of the insurance provider.

Insurance Procurement:

  1. Quotation Requests: The Insurance Coordinator requests quotations from selected insurance providers based on the identified coverage needs.
  2. Quotation Comparison: Compare quotations received from different providers based on coverage, cost, and policy terms.
  3. Provider Selection: Select the insurance provider that offers the best coverage and terms while considering cost-effectiveness.
  4. Policy Procurement: The Fleet Manager initiates the procurement process by submitting the necessary documents to the selected insurance provider.

Policy Management and Renewal:

  1. Policy Records: The Insurance Coordinator maintains accurate and up-to-date records of insurance policies, including policy numbers, coverage details, and expiration dates.
  2. Policy Renewal: Initiate the policy renewal process well in advance to ensure continuous coverage. Review coverage needs and adjust policy if necessary.

 Claims Reporting and Processing:

  1. Accident/Incident Reporting: In case of an accident or incident involving a commercial vehicle, drivers promptly report the incident to their supervisor and provide all necessary information, including photos, witness details, and police reports.
  2. Claims Initiation: The Insurance Coordinator initiates the claims process with the insurance provider by submitting the required claim forms and supporting documentation.
  3. Claims Communication: Maintain open communication with the insurance provider throughout the claims process, providing any additional information or documentation as requested.
  4. Claims Settlement: Collaborate with the insurance provider to ensure timely and fair settlement of claims. Ensure repairs are carried out efficiently while adhering to any specified repair network.

Maintain a comprehensive record of all insurance-related activities, including policy documents, quotations, claims records, and communication with insurance providers.

Training and Communication

Conduct periodic training sessions for drivers and relevant personnel to ensure awareness of insurance-related procedures and safety guidelines.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly review and update this SOP to incorporate any changes in regulations, industry best practices, or organizational requirements.


Adhere to all relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines governing commercial vehicle insurance.


List any relevant laws, regulations, industry standards, and guidelines that guide the commercial vehicle insurance process.

Terms and conditions required for commercial vehicle insurance in India

Similar to private vehicles, all commercial vehicles must have at least a basic third-party liability insurance coverage. This covers damages and injuries caused to third parties in case of an accident involving the insured commercial vehicle.

For vehicles involved in the transportation of goods, a goods carriage policy is necessary. This policy covers goods being transported in the event of accidents, theft, or damage.

For vehicles designed to carry passengers, such as buses and taxis, a passenger carrying vehicle policy is required. This policy covers the passengers against injury or death due to accidents.

The policy must specify the maximum coverage limits for third-party liability, as well as any additional coverages for own damage, passengers, and goods.

Commercial vehicle insurance policies will outline the premium payment terms, including payment frequency and methods.

Commercial vehicles are often required to have specific permits to operate in certain regions or for specific purposes (e.g., interstate transport). The insurance policy might require the vehicle owner to comply with these permits.

Like private vehicle policies, commercial vehicle policies will have a list of exclusions, detailing circumstances that are not covered by the insurance.

The procedure for filing and processing claims will be outlined in the policy, including the documentation required and the steps to be followed.

Similar to private vehicle insurance, commercial vehicle policies might also offer a No Claim Bonus for each claim-free year.

The policy will specify the renewal process and the importance of maintaining continuous coverage for the commercial vehicle.

Some commercial vehicle policies might have geographical restrictions, especially if the vehicle is used for interstate transport.

For vehicles involved in public transportation, such as buses and taxis, there might be additional regulations and requirements to adhere to, including proper signage, safety measures, etc.

Commercial vehicle policies might specify the permissible usage of the vehicle, such as the type of goods that can be transported, passenger limits, etc.

Always remember that insurance regulations can vary and change, so it's crucial to stay updated with the latest guidelines from relevant authorities or consult with insurance professionals or legal experts for accurate and current information.